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Please fill the information below to register!





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$75 for 1st/2nd Gup & Black Belts ($85 after 2/5)

$60 for 4th/3rd Gup (May leave earlier)

Time: 9am - 4pm                                      Location: 9400 S. Atterbury Wash Way, Tucson, AZ

If cash, please give to your instructor

If paying with PayPal, please choose "Send Money to Family/Friends" option to avoid fees.

Thanks for submitting!

We will be going over correct fundamental movements of Taekwon-Do according to the instructions by General Choi, as well as breaking down all of the color belt patterns move by move. The goal is to ensure students understand the purpose of each movement and how they can help you improve in both power breaking and some aspects of sparring. The event will be 7 hours including an hour for lunch break at noon (lunch not provided).


A Certificate of Completion will be presented at the end of the seminar as well. 


Attire: All students must wear white dobok (top and bottom) with white T-shirts inside only (or no shirts). If you are wearing a T-Shirt underneath, please make sure it's tucked into the pants.


*I strongly encourage participants to bring water and something to take notes with as there will be a lot of information.

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